I am giving a talk about getting SQL into version control at the Boston Code Camp on 3/21/2015.

The talk will cover multiple ways of getting SQL into Version Control, but will focus on using SQL Database Projects with git or TFS.

Below is a list of the links for the talk, enjoy.



Database Transformation Tools

DbUp​ -
Flyway​ -
Nmigrations​ -
roundhouse​ -

Database State Tools

Entity Framework Migrations​
Redgate SQL Source Control​
SQL Server Database Project

Enrico Campidoglio​

NDC talk on Continuous Delivery for SQL​
    - http://www.ndcvideos.com/#/app/video/2531 (Features DbUP)
.NETROCKS discussion on Continuous Delivery for SQL​
    - http://www.dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?showNum=1079

Deborah Kurata​

Pluralsight video – Visual Studio Data Tools for Developers​
    - http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/visual-studio-data-tools-developers

Example SQL Database Project for Talk

    - https://github.com/fhilton/SqlDbProject

If you are coming to this page after attending to the talk, thanks for joining me and I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please contact me on twitter.